The produce vendors of the Carroll Farmers Market want people to see how great Iowa summer sweet corn tastes. They are giving cooked ears at their Wednesday market in downtown Carroll. Volunteers from the USDA, M&M Divide RC&D, and RSVP will be cooking the corn on the cob and passing around the butter and salt. Napkins will be provided in ample quantity as well. HyVee store in Carroll is providing those supplies as well as free pop to everyone. Of course, the farmer vendors will also have plenty of sweet corn in the husks for sale to take home. The feed will begin about 3:45 p.m. and continue until 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 5th.
With the peak summer vegetable season now, the number of vendors and customers has reached a new high for the year. The sweet corn feed is a chance for the Farmers Market vendors to say thank you to their customers.
The Carroll Farmers Market is held every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning until October 17. They are located on the west side of Westgate Mall in downtown Carroll on the south side of Highway 30. Vendors are local farmers, gardeners, bakers, and craft people.