Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Iowa Ranks 2nd in the Nation for Quality of Life

According to Washington based Congressional Quarterly Press when it comes to quality of life, Iowa has jumped to 2nd place. Other states ranked are Wyoming, 1st; New Hampshire, 3rd; Minnesota, 4th; and Nebraska, 5th. The comparison uses a broad range of economic, education, health-oriented, public safety and environmental statistics. Yes, our Midwest values and hard-working people are what makes Iowa a great place to live, work and do business. Proud to be from Iowa and living in Carroll.


Katie Lawler, Reference Coordinator said...

Iowa ranks FIRST in my opinion!

My Gratitude Speaks said...

Do you suppose there's a connection between Wyoming being #1 and the number of pioneers who settled in Wyoming after leaving Iowa? I know of at least 3 people who moved there from Carroll in the last 10 years...