Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Iowa Taxpayers Association to Conduct Pre-Legislative Forum in Carroll
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Think Carroll 1st

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Holiday Recipe Walk

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Santa and Mrs. Claus Arrive to Christmas Wishes, Caroling
Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in Santa's Workshop:
Thursday evenings: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday afternoons:
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Chart of the Week

unemployment percent changes by county:
January 2007-September 2009
To see changes in unemployment reate by county Here
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Ashwood Business Park in Carroll Boasts "Virtual" Speculative Building
Eighty percent of companies looking to expand or relocate seek an available building, which are scarce in Carroll County and Western Iowa right now. Speculative buildings are expensive to build and especially risky in a slow economy. Not satisfied with the concept of merely having plans on file for a potential building, CADC and WIAD developed a marketing concept around plans and "fly-through" video that locates images of a speculative building in eight industrial parks in Western Iowa.
A "virtual" speculative building is located in Ashwood Business Park, north of Farner-Bocken Co. on Griffith Road in Carroll. Click below to see a video. Additional marketing includes national advertising targeted to decision makers and site selection consultants. On-site signage, website enhancements and a local campaign to contact companies and developers are underway. Additional Carroll County sites are being considered for the program.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Local Actor Nails JFK Accent in Re-enactment of 1959 speech
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Chamber Collecting Data for 2010 Carroll County Visitor Guide

Check the 2009 Visitor Guide on the Chamber's web site www.carrolliowa.com to see how businesses are listed in the guide. There is a fee for businesses to be included. If you would like your business listed, call the Chamber office at 712-792-4383.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Carroll County Leadership Participant Named Young Soybean Leader in National Program
Templeton Family Farms joined the Chamber in 2009. Matt is currently participating in Carroll County Leadership Institute, sponsored by the Carroll Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations Matt!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Firemen Light-up the Downtown Preparing for Santa & Mrs. Claus

Again this year the Carroll Volunteer Fire Department replace rooftop lights in downtown Carroll. Thank you firemen for your manpower, boom trucks and ladders in preparing the downtown for the holiday season. It looks great!
Also a thank you goes out to the City of Carroll crews who put up the garland and wreaths. Your hard work is appreciated!
Everything is ready for Santa & Mrs. Claus to arrive at the Carroll Chamber of Commerce on Friday, November 27 at 6:30 p.m. for the lighting of the Depot. Come early for Christmas caroling and free hot chocolate. Santa & Mrs. Claus will be on hand to visit with children at the Harold Bierl Community Room until 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Local Photograhper Donates Giclee Print

Kim Hackett, Secreteary-Treasurer of the Carroll Chamber of Commerce accepts a giclee print (photograph on canvas) from local professional photographer Stan Buman. Chamber staff is thrilled with this beautiful piece and invite the public to stop by and view this unique photo. Thank you Stan.
Stan has been doing photography for several years and more of his work can be seen at www.fencelinephotos.com.
Chamber's Leadership Development Program Continues with Board Dynamics Workshop
Two Chamber members, New Hope Village and New Opportunities not only have participants in the two-hour workshop, but Frank Hermsen (New Hope) and Chad Jensen (New Opportunities) assisted with content and delivery.
"Chamber workshops like Board Dynamics help train board members of non-profit organizations. This is beneficial to volunteers new to a non-profit boards, and to organizations that need expert guidance on organizational leadership," said Frank Hermsen, executive director of New Hope Village.
The Chamber 's Leadership Development programs include Carroll County Leadership Institute, Connect Young Professionals, workshops and much more.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Chart of the Week
Report for the month of October 2009
Creighton University Economics Professor
Ernest Goss delivered some welcome news this week. A leading indicator of economic growth measured by Goss' Creighton Economic Forecasting Group bucks the midwest trend in the month of October.
For a second straight month, Iowa’s Business Conditions Index bounced above growth neutral. The index, a leading economic indicator from a survey of supply managers in the state, climbed to 55.5 from 52.9 in September and 48.9 in August. An index of 50.0 is considered growth neutral.
Not so for the Mid-America region however...
The October Business Conditions Index for the Mid-America region, a nine-state area, slumped to 51.8 from September’s much healthier 56.2, indicating a fragile recovery, according to the latest survey results. “This month’s decline suggests that the economic recovery underway is going to be a disappointing one. In fact, the volatility and level of the overall index over the past several months, indicates that a double dip recession is a growing possibility. Downturns in farm income, in addition to legislative uncertainty in Washington, are having negative impacts on the regional economy,” Creighton University Economics Professor Ernie Goss said today.
The Creighton Economic Forecasting Group has conducted the monthly survey of supply managers in nine states since 1994 to produce leading economic indicators of the Mid-America economy. States included in the survey are Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Dakota.
Goss' news for Iowa employment is not as sunny. Since the national recession began in December 2007, Iowa has lost 3.0 percent of its jobs with 2.9 percent of the loss occurring since October 2008. “Even though Iowa’s unemployment rate has stabilized, based on our surveys over the past several months, I expect the state’s jobless rate to climb by another 0.3 percent by the end of the year,” said Goss.
Follow these monthly reports and more from Creighton University Economics Department:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Chamber Board Holds Retreat
While this is not a change in direction - the chamber exists to serve its members - board members are enthused about doing even more to be sure members are getting the value they need and desire from their involvement with the Chamber. Look for specific activity the board and staff will engage in through the coming months to improve the Chamber's service to its membership and the community.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Freda Dammann Wins Individual Friend of Tourism Award

Freda Dammann, an ordinary person making extraordinary things happen in Iowa tourism was recognized at the 2009 Iowa Tourism Conference in Tama for her efforts. Freda has been a devoted volunteer for the Manning Hausbarn/Heritage Park since 1989 and named as the Director in 2008. In Manning she has helped coordinate the RAGBRAI visit, Kinderfest, Wiehnachtsfest and Maize Daze as well as leading the force in Manning to become a Main Street Community. Her volunteer efforts don't stop in Manning. She has been very active in Western Iowa Tourism Region since 1989, including holding every office the last five years, including president. She has donated thousands of hours over the years for local, region and state tourism and was vital in creating opportunity and enthusiasm for tourism in Iowa. Congratulations Freda! and thank you for all you do for Carroll County tourism.
Photo(from left): Kathy Dirks, past president of the Travel Federation of Iowa (TFI); Freda Dammann; Tim Waddell, Community Development Division Administrator from the Iowa Department of Economic Development; Kristie Wetjen, vice-president of TFI.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Economic Development Professionals to Governor Culver: Allow Tax Credit Programs to Work

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Burns Boosts Rural Iowa

The focus of the NPR segment was a new book, "Hollowing Out the Middle, The Rural Brain Drain and What it Means for America", by Patrick J. Carr and Maria J. Kefalas. This couple spent some time in an Iowa community of 2,000 in order to get a feel for what life is like there (fictionally named "Ellis"). I'm reading the book now, interested in the contrast and comparison to another popular book about the vitality of the midwest, "Caught in the Middle" by William Farnsworth. (check your Chamber member bookstore for these books).
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Jim Kerwin Knew Carroll

... Jim Kerwin, as quoted in this Daily Times Herald article,
"Kerwin, Carroll's scribe, remembered"
He was proud of his town.
Jim Kerwin passed last week. Those who knew him speak of his love and affection for Carroll. I had the pleasure of meeting Jim one of my first week's in town nearly nine years ago. He showed me "the baseball" and I've been in awe ever since. I learned about the history of Carroll from his three books about the community. They are proudly displayed in my office, each with a personal note from Jim proclaiming how he enjoyed working with the Chamber.
He will be missed. His legacy as a community booster will live on in the lives of those he inspired to make Carroll the best it can be. In Jim's words written inside the cover of our copy of Postcards from Carroll, "All of us working together produce results. Enjoy the postcards."
We will.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Carroll Band Day Parade
Chart of the Week

The Iowa Department of Revenue (IDR) released retail sales for the quarter ending December 31, 2008. This Chart of the Week pulls out Carroll and the ten counties in Iowa whose county seat town's population is closest to Carroll (click HERE to enlarge the chart). IDR's reporting lags about nine months, but is the most current data available on a statewide basis.
City of Carroll's retail sales totaled $56.8 million in the quarter vs. $54.8 million in the same period of 2007. This 3.2% increase is considerably better than the state of Iowa's .2% decrease on sales of $8.88 billion vs. $8.89 billion in 2007.
Of the ten comparably sized communities in Iowa, Carroll's increase of 3.2% ranks 6th. Three communites had decreases. Follow this link to view sales tax reports at the IDR's website.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
52nd Annual Carroll Band Day Parade

Friday, September 25, 2009
Carroll's already low crime rate drops even further
Safety is something we tend to take for granted. As Carroll Police Chief Jeff Cayler said in the DTH article, "We're lucky, we really are, to live in this kind of environment. We should count our blessings that we live in an excellent place. A lot of it is due to the cooperative effort of the people who live here, their community pride and our excellent police officers."
Take time today to stop and yourself and others in the community a well-deserved pat-on-the-back.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Carroll County Leadership Institute Holds First Session

Last night from 5:30 - 9:00 P.M. 24 individuals from various Carroll County businesses joined together for the first session of Carroll County Leadership Institute. John Brockelsby, DMACC and Jim Gossett, Carroll Chamber of Commerce lead the group through conceptual models of leadership and encourage participants to apply this information to their careers. There was lots of group interaction and input.
Carroll County is fortunate to call these 24 people residents.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Chart of the Week

Monday, September 21, 2009
St. Anthony Regional Hospital Receives "Best in Value" Award

The award recognizes St. Anthony for:
- Best in Value: Superior Patient Satisfaction Merit Award
- Hospital Value Index: Top 100 Hospital
- Hospital Value Index: Best in Region
- Hospital Value Index: Best in State
Data from approximately 4,500 hosptials nationwide was ranked to measure their success in quality, affordability, and efficency and patient satisfaction.
Congratulations to St. Anthony from the Carroll Chamber of Commerce for this honor.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tourism Benefits with the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway
The 9/24 lecture is about how byways can have a positive impact on a community from an identity perspective as well as economically. As we become more successful in making the Lincoln Highway statewide a transportation magnet for out of state "see America" coast-to-coast retired baby boomer travelers, they will be stopping here for meals and lodging IF we can show them byway attractions as well. But the business community has to want to be part of that if they expect to see any benefit. Find out how you can be a part of this effort at a free lecture at Santa Maria on 9/24. Lecture starts at 7:00 pm, meal at 6:00 pm (if they have reservations).
The bus tours on 9/29 and 9/30 are also for leaders and business owners that want to actually see what the tourist will see between Grand Junction and Westside. Seen from the eyes of a New York traveler who knows nothing of Iowa, our history and land is new to them and not boring. With some interpretation sites to point out, we can attract tourists just as Route 66 does in the south. Route 66, by the way, has their biggest draw from European travelers (mostly German) who spend major bucks on their "See America" cross-continental trips. Carroll is on the Lincoln Highway route from NYC to Frisco.
Call Francie O'Leary (past Chamber Board Member)to learn more. 712.792.4415.
Chart of the Week

Did you know that the Carroll Municipal Airport (Arthur N. Neu Airport) serves an average of 35 visiting aircraft each week? Most people don't know how active the local airport is. But a recent economic impact analysis released by IDOT's Office of Aviation, the activity level of Iowa's airports is outlined.
Beware of Phony Awards
Emails notifying businesses they have won awards from a national association appear to be part of a widespread scheme destined to get your business to pay for "vanity"awards and plaques. We are not listing such organizations here because we do not want to give credence or publicity to such underhanded tactics. However the Better Business Bureau has received numerous inquires about a group claiming to be a national organization based in Washington, D.C.
The Better Business Bureau offers several tips to avoid losing money in a "vanity award program:
- Learn everything you can about who is giving the award. If it is coming from a mystery company, chances are it simply wants your money.
- If you didn't apply for an award or the group cannot tell you haw you were nominated, changes are the award is not legitimate.
- Most legitimate awards to not come with costs for the recipient. I there is a cost, scrutinize it even more closely.
- Ask specific questions about how your company or organization was chosen for an award and find out how many similar awards are given each year.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
2009-2010 Carroll County Leadership Institute
WHO-TV Sports Broadcasts from Carroll

WHO-TV's RVTV is a week long expedition for sportscasters Keith Murphy, Andy Fales and staff to have a little fun and get Iowa and Iowa State fans amped up for the big football rivalry this Saturday in Ames. A satellite truck, and four staff arrived ready to take in all the enthusiasm of Carroll. Having stopped in Grinnell and Fort Dodge, Carroll fans and the Chamber were ready to give the crew an experience they wouldn't forget.
They arrived at the Chamber around 1 p.m. Shortly after, Cyclone and Hawkeye fans began to arrive to arrange tents, grills, buses and other paraphenalia to root for their respective teams while Murphy and Fales broadcast their daily radio show on KXNO sport radio from the conference room in the Chamber office.
By mid-afternoon, Carroll restaurants began showering the crew with food. Every hour, another establishment arrived with a most delicious assortment of meals and treats that made quite an impression as you can see in the photo of Murphy watching Fales chow down on the 5 o'clock live satellite feed. See the video here: http://tinyurl.com/mzkrww.
At 6 p.m., WHO featured the community with an interview of the Chambers Business Development Director Rosanne Nees talking up the town: http://tinyurl.com/n5t6vp.
Each broadcast was loaded with good talk about Carroll, with the noise from the trains a common thread. Rosanne supplied the crew with goodies including earplugs as a sleep aid. WHO had a very nice feature on the history and attractions in Carroll, as well as a long feature on Adam and Shawn Haluska, the much more.
The crowd was whipped into a frenzy for each telecast. A smaller group, but perhaps the most enthusiastic fans were at the 10 p.m. broadcast: http://tinyurl.com/m3lsol.
All in all, lots of great publicity for Carroll as Keith Murphy commented in one of the telecasts, the nicest setting ever for RVTV, with local businesses, fans and the Chamber setting the bar high for hospitality. Murphy commented on the RVTV Blog that Carroll was one of the top RVTV tour stops ever.